+ A B i t K n o w l e d g e




Welcome to this preliminary site dedicated for some of my programs, most importantly MAthlon and DOSidle. The site -as you certainly see- is very "primitive", no fancy menus, scripts, etc. The reason is simple: I have yet to learn HTML. Until then, you will only see features in the site that I have already learned.. so maybe in a few weeks/months, this site will look as any other professionally designed site (then again, maybe not :-D).

Webmasters! Please link to this site (instead of offering direct downloads of MAthlon/DOSidle from your site) if possible! If you absolutely must make your own download available for MAthlon/DOSidle, please CLEARLY link to www.nexus.hu/plusabit as well!

Thank you very much: (Márton Balog)



Attention, BETA TESTERS !!! -- K7M BIOS with FIXED L2 cache 1/3 and 2/5 multiplier !!!

Yes, they are done, but I don't have anybody to beta test them! If you feel brave enough to try it, please email me AS SOON AS POSSIBLE (the email address is at bottom of the page)! However, keep in mind that if I messed something up when creating these BIOS images, you will no longer be able to boot up your computer! So repairing is only possible for people who have a flash writer device, or have another K7M and are able to hot-swap BIOS chips! Otherwise, warranty return is your only choice. If you are still willing to try it, mail me!!! (Márton Balog)



MAthlon V2.00 is now final, done with the beta testing. There have been no problems reported at all (Except for WinME and Win2000 compatibility, but that is another story, MAthlon was never supposed to compatible with them in the first place. MAthlon V3.00 will be, however. Stay tuned :-)!! (Márton Balog)



Attention, BETA TESTERS !!! -- MAthlon V2.00 !!!

MAthlon V2.00 [Build 134] is now available! MAthlon V2.00 is now a DOS Device Driver!!! This is something that authors of similar programs have only been promising to deliver. As a device driver, MAthlon will now be free of ANY software conflict, most importantly EMM386.EXE, QEMM and Windows (precisely: any VCPI or DPMI based software). MAthlon V2.00 will also include a window-based user interface that runs under both DOS and Windows 9x, so the user won't have to edit the CONFIG.SYS file manually, plus it will have a few nice added features (MSR read/write, etc). This should be done in a few days.

To install, just place a line in CONFIG.SYS something like this (make sure it is the FIRST line in CONFIG.SYS):


(Assuming you have put MATHLON.SYS in the C:\MATHLON directory and that you wish to use the 2/5 cache multiplier) (Márton Balog)




MAthlon is a program that allows the user to alter the L2 cache multiplier on AMD-Athlon(tm) processors (hence, it does not run with Thunderbird and Duron processors, which have their L2 cache integrated on-die). This function is a perfect match for GFDs (Gold Fingers Devices), which allow the manipulation of the Athlon's multiplier and core voltage. Since the L2 cache multiplier cannot be controlled via GFDs, any GFD owner (who would rather not solder the R102 resistors on his/her CPU) should download MAthlon. That way, MAthlon and the GFD allow the complete manipulation of all the Athlon's settings!

Here are the current, released versions of MAthlon for download. MAthlon V2.00 is still under testing, but so far it has been reported to work flawlessly.

MAthlon V1.10 [Beta 2 - Build 036]

MAthlon V1.00 [Beta 1 - Build 026]

If in any case V2.00 should not work for you, V1.10 has reportedly been the most stable and reliable version. I strongly suggest not to use V1.00, as it is very incompatible (with both hardware and software), I have only put it up for reference. (Márton Balog)




Due to "popular request", I will also put up all DOSidle versions for download. DOSidle is a program that has the exact same function as CpuIdle (in fact, I have written DOSidle with the help of Andreas Götz, author of CpuIdle): that is to execute the HLT machine instruction when the CPU is idle and to take advantage of the power saving features of CPUs (Suspend on HLT, etc). All this results in the CPU being placed in suspend mode, when it is not used (These "switches" to suspend mode occur in fractions of a second, all the time. They are done by the CPU itself, in hardware, thus it does NOT slow the processor in any way.), which allow the CPU to be cooled (a 20-30 degrees C drop is typical).

As the name implies, DOSidle runs under MS-DOS (in a DOS-Box under Windows, as well). For Windows, use CpuIdle. DOSidle V2.10 has been reported to have some problems, should it not work for you, drop back to V2.00. The oldest, V1.32 [Beta] is only put up here for reference.

DOSidle V2.10 [Build 0077]

DOSidle V2.00 [Build 0586]

DOSidle V1.32 [Beta]

(Márton Balog)



I would like to thank all the people who have helped me with the development of MAthlon and/or DOSidle. You have been of great help! I would like to give my special thanks to:

- Damon Lynch for his enthusiasm and the most intensive beta-testing, also, for the first feedback on MAthlon :-D.

- Decoupler for all the source code! Thanks man!

- keopsz for + A Bit Knowledge.

- Thomas Combeléra for his help and the information.

- Tom Shaver (www.k7oc.com) for the beta-testing and the Rev.2 Gold Fingers Device (although it has not yet arrived :-D).

- Zsuzsa Petró for her patience :-D.

- Andreas Götz for his help and support (DOSidle).

- Martin Malík for his source code (DOSidle).

(Márton Balog)





Site managed by: Márton Balog (Parci), Programs written by: Márton Balog (Parci)

Copyright (C), 2000 July, by + A Bit Knowledge. All rights reserved.

Athlon and Duron is a registered trademark of AMD Corp. All other product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.